Your Complete Guide to Setting Up a Business in Dubai


Dubai has firmly established itself as a global hub for business and innovation. Entrepreneurs from all over the world are drawn to this city for its business-friendly environment, tax incentives, strategic location, and world-class infrastructure. Whether you're looking to start a small business, expand an existing one, or set up a multinational corporation, Dubai offers unparalleled opportunities for growth. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your business in Dubai, providing essential insights into the steps, costs, and advantages of doing business in one of the world’s most dynamic cities.

Why Set Up a Business in Dubai?

1. Tax-Free Environment

Dubai offers a zero personal and corporate tax policy for many types of businesses. Entrepreneurs can enjoy full repatriation of profits, making Dubai one of the most favorable business environments in the world.

2. Strategic Location

Dubai’s geographical location places it at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. With access to markets across the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, Dubai is a key logistics and trade hub.

3. World-Class Infrastructure

From ultra-modern office spaces to state-of-the-art logistics facilities, Dubai provides businesses with the infrastructure they need to thrive. The city boasts world-class ports, airports, and a highly developed road network, making it ideal for businesses across various industries.

4. 100% Foreign Ownership in Free Zones

Foreign investors can enjoy 100% ownership of their businesses in Dubai’s numerous Free Zones, a significant advantage compared to mainland company setups, where local sponsorship might be required.

Mainland vs. Free Zone Business Setup

When setting up a business in Dubai, you must decide whether to establish your company in the mainland or a Free Zone. Each option has its own benefits, depending on the type of business you plan to operate.

Mainland Business Setup

A mainland business allows you to operate freely anywhere in Dubai and across the UAE. However, there are specific requirements to consider:

  • Local sponsorship: In most cases, a local UAE national must hold 51% of shares in the business. The exception applies to certain sectors where foreign investors are allowed 100% ownership under the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) law.

  • Access to the local market: Mainland businesses have the advantage of trading directly within the UAE’s local market and taking on government contracts.

Free Zone Business Setup

Free Zones are designated areas that provide business-friendly environments tailored to specific industries. Setting up in a Free Zone offers several advantages:

  • 100% foreign ownership: Unlike mainland businesses, Free Zone companies can be fully owned by foreign investors.

  • Exemption from import/export duties: Free Zone companies enjoy customs and duty exemptions for goods and services.

  • No personal or corporate taxes: Free Zones offer zero tax on personal and corporate income, as well as profit repatriation benefits.

  • Limited local market access: Free Zone businesses are restricted from directly trading within the UAE’s local market unless they partner with a local distributor.

Steps to Set Up a Business in Dubai

Step 1: Select the Business Activity

The first step is to determine the nature of your business and the activities it will engage in. The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) offers a comprehensive list of business activities that can be licensed. It is important to choose the right category, as this will dictate the type of license you need.

Step 2: Choose the Legal Structure

Next, decide on the legal structure of your business. This could range from a sole proprietorship to a Limited Liability Company (LLC), depending on your business needs and whether you are setting up in the mainland or a Free Zone. Each structure comes with different requirements, ownership rules, and liabilities.

Step 3: Reserve a Trade Name

Once the business activity and structure are determined, you need to reserve a trade name. This name must comply with Dubai’s naming conventions, which prohibit offensive or blasphemous language and the use of certain political or religious terms.

Step 4: Apply for Initial Approval

After selecting your business name and structure, the next step is to obtain initial approval from the relevant authorities. This process confirms that the Dubai government has no objections to you establishing your business.

Step 5: Finalize the Office Space

In Dubai, businesses are required to have a physical office. Depending on the type of business you are setting up, you can either lease office space or opt for a shared workspace. Free Zones also offer Flexi-desk or virtual office options, making it easier for small businesses and startups to manage their overheads.

Step 6: Submit Required Documentation

At this stage, you will need to prepare and submit all necessary documentation, which may include:

  • Copies of shareholders’ passports

  • NOC (No Objection Certificate) for existing UAE residents

  • Proof of trade name reservation

  • Completed application forms

  • Initial approval certificates

Step 7: Obtain Your Business License

Once all the steps are completed, you can now apply for your business license. Depending on the nature of your business, you may need a:

  • Commercial License for trading activities

  • Industrial License for manufacturing

  • Professional License for service-based businesses The license will be issued by either the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) for mainland businesses or the relevant Free Zone authority.

Step 8: Apply for Visas

After obtaining your business license, you can apply for residence visas for yourself, your family, and your employees. The number of visas you can apply for will depend on the size of your office space and the type of business license you have.

Costs of Setting Up a Business in Dubai

The cost of setting up a business in Dubai varies depending on factors such as the business type, location, and scale. Here are some common expenses to consider:

  • License fees: Starting from AED 10,000 to AED 50,000, depending on the business activity and license type.

  • Office rental: Prices vary based on location, with mainland offices typically costing more than Free Zone spaces.

  • Visa fees: Fees for obtaining residence visas for owners and employees.

  • Sponsorship fees: Applicable if you're setting up a mainland business and require a local sponsor.

Advantages of Setting Up a Business in Dubai

1. Global Market Access

Dubai’s location provides easy access to markets in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. This makes it an ideal launchpad for businesses looking to expand globally.

2. Government Incentives

The Dubai government actively supports businesses by providing incentives such as tax exemptions, industry-specific Free Zones, and grants. It also continues to invest in infrastructure and innovation to maintain the city’s status as a leading global business hub.

3. Stable Economic Environment

Dubai offers a stable and robust economic environment, backed by diversified industries such as real estate, technology, tourism, and finance. This makes it a safe and attractive destination for investors.

4. Ease of Doing Business

Dubai ranks high on the global Ease of Doing Business Index due to its streamlined company formation processes, supportive government policies, and digital platforms that make administration easy for new businesses.


Dubai is an attractive destination for business setup, offering numerous incentives for entrepreneurs and companies. Whether you are looking to establish a mainland company or set up in one of Dubai’s Free Zones, the city provides an array of advantages, including tax benefits, global market access, and world-class infrastructure. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth business setup process and take full advantage of the opportunities Dubai has to offer.

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